Early Dismissal Procedures
Please follow the procedures listed below for picking up your child early from school:
- Send a note with your child the morning of the appointment with the time of dismissal.
- Your child should report to the main office before homeroom with the note. They will receive a blue early dismissal pass. This will allow your child to leave class at the appointed time and meet you in the main office.
- Please bring identification with you so we can process you through our Raptor system.
If you forget to send a note, please contact the main office . This system will allow us to alleviate calling into classrooms and disrupting the instructional day.
Raptor System
The safety of all students and staff in Baltimore County Public Schools is of utmost importance to all of us. Our school is utilizing a system for checking in all visitors. The system is called V-soft by RaptorWare or RAPTOR. When you visit our school for the first time, you will be asked to present a government-issued photo ID or a driver’s license to a staff member in the school office. The ID will be scanned and the following information will be collected: your photo, your name, and your date of birth. This information will be utilized to check you in, create an ID badge, and compare your information against sexual offender databases throughout the country. If your name appears on any of the lists or you refuse to allow the school to scan your ID, you will not be allowed to access the school. The only alternative will be to allow the staff to see your ID, verify your first name, last name, and date of birth to be entered into the system manually. However, this method does not store the information, and you must do this each time you visit the school.
If you have your ID scanned, you will be asked to only show your ID on future visits, and your name will be selected from an existing list of previous visitors. You will also be asked to check out with the office staff upon leaving the school so that we know you are no longer in the building. You will be required to check into the system even if you are only coming to school to pick up your child. The information collected will not be shared outside of the school and is kept on a secure server. Your assistance in keeping our students and schools safe is appreciated.